‘You can choose what you practice. Why not choose to cultivate the goodness and let the gold shine through?’

Tara Brach


’When Mindfulness works together with other factors such as equanimity and wisdom, it allows us to see the conditions around us clearly, relinquish our need to control things, and develop the strength and poise to respond skillfully to whatever is happening’



Mindfulness is the practice of coming off the autopilot way in which many of us live our lives.

It is about paying attention on purpose to the present moment and noticing without judgement what is going on in the mind, body and immediate environment.

This can help people of all ages develop physical and mental resilience, supporting us to navigate the complexities of our fast changing world and life’s up and downs. 

Mindful meditation encourages curiosity and awareness, connection of the body and the mind, reflecting on the here and now. It is a practice of observing with kind attention what is, without striving to push or change things.

Mindfulness as a cultivated practice is increasingly considered good medicine, prescribed by the NHS for stress and widely researched for it’s health benefits.

Group meditation under a tree

Nature Connection

Nature-based practice helps us to cultivate and reawaken our connection to the natural world, recognizing that we part of nature, rather than separate and independent.

Connecting more deeply with nature in this way, we experience it’s beneficial effect on our body, our mind and our inner emotional landscape. It also brings about change in our attitude towards the natural environment, not only around us but within us.

The increase in ecological disconnect, urbanization, climate anxiety and spending more time in our online worlds means there has never been a more urgent time in our lives to encourage re-connection to nature.

Robin on a branch
  • Let's work together

    I provide experiential workshops and webinars that bring the huge benefits mindfulness to you and your organisation. From lunchtime learning sessions for staff, enhancing your group program or a collaboration for your well-being event - all of my offerings can be tailored to your need.

  • Group Mindfulness Sessions

    Examples of these:

    ~ Introduction to mindfulness

    ~ Everyday mindfulness ideas for modern living

    ~ Self compassion practices for burnout prevention

  • Nature Based Mindfulness Connection

    Mindfulness and nature connection are mutually supportive. This immersive outdoor workshop guides participants to come back to their nature within and notice nature in a new way.

  • Mindfulness for focus and frayed attention

    Teaching how mindfulness can help with attention and our ability to be present in an ever increasing digital age.

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